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Y3 Greek themed Business Enterprise

On Tuesday 11th June 2019, Year 3 held their Business Enterprise event linked to The Gods and Mortals topic - everyone (including staff!) were very excited and we had lots of Greek themed things to sell.

Mrs Begum-Wills organised a fruit hamper and Miss Williams created some cheese boards, (courtesy of Asda) as a raffle prize and the children iced cakes with Greek character toppers, sold crisps, biscuits and drinks, looked after the Greek dips and pitta bread, sold the photographs of their wonderful assembly and also sold the masks that they created in their D&T work.

Many, many parents attended and children encouraged them to spend money on the goods for sale. Aneesa in 3C won the fruit hamper and Hina in the Office won the cheeseboard.

Thank you to all who came to support and purchased a little something... we raised £250 for year group funds.  Now just to decide on what to spend it on! ... Some children have had the idea of donating a proportion to our Hopeful Haven link and then using the rest for a year group trip to the park for a picnic and an ice cream before the end of term. 


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