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Showing posts from May, 2019

Theseus and (the monster) books

Over the last two week, Y3 have innovated their Theseus and the Minotaur story that they imitated last half term. They worked hard to create their own mythical beast character in a build up and a resolution to the original story. ...We had Theseus and The Cyclops, Medusa, Chimera and Griffin. When finished, they wrote 'blurbs' in no more than 30 words.  This was a challenge because it's never easy to summarise a whole story in such few words, but again, Welford children rose to the challenge and we had a range of fantastic, unique ideas that were all summaries of the story in very different ways. Children then wrote VIPER questions on the story using question stems to share with Year 1 children. Here are some photos to show how our books were created and then shared.              These show us working on our books last week                 ooks were created.
On Wednesday 1st May, 3WP visited the Jetavana Buddhist Temple in Handsworth as part of their RE studies - visiting local places of worship.  We walked all the way from Welford to Booth Street and when we got inside, we had to take off our shoes, as the children do in many of their own places of worship.  We decided that this was respectful, so we left our shoes by the front door. The head monk met us in the Temple and told us lots of interesting things about why he decided to follow Buddhism and how long it took him to be able to deliver teaching in his faith.   The children asked lots of interesting questions about his beliefs, religious clothing and prayer.  The children were very respectful at the temple and enjoyed the visit.