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Erupting volcanoes

Our final topic of the year is based around the wonderful world of volcanoes. Over the half term holiday, we asked the children to build a volcano however they could. And wow did they deliver. We had huge volcanoes made from mod rock and tiny volcanoes made from clay. From big to small we were amazed by the effort and look of them all.

Of course, volcanoes erupt so that's what we had to do. Using either bicarbonate of soda and vinegar or Coca-Cola and mentos, we sent froth shooting out of the volcanoes and they were incredibly impressive as well. Take a look at our experiments. We were astounded and had great fun in spite of some horribly damp weather.


  1. The volcano models were fantastic and I am looking forward to finding out the recipe for an excellent eruption! Brilliant work, Year 3.x


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