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Showing posts from February, 2018

3D's Scrumdiddilyuptious Assembly

A huge well done to 3D on their perfect  performance of their class assembly - Scrumdiddilyumptious! The children learnt their lines beautifully and completed their assembly with the 'Healthy Living' rap which was followed by a thunderous round of applause by children, staff, parents and all relatives that attended.                 Hopefully children will think twice about how much junk food they eat in the future in case they turn into a ....couch potato!

Scrumdiddlyumptious Smoothies

Covering a fantastic topic like Scrumdiddlyumptious has provided us the opportunity to do lots of hands on tasks in Year 3. Recently we made some healthy and nutritious smoothies and are currently in the process of writing up instructions on making the smoothies. Before we began we refreshed our memories on the features of an instruction text and as we made our smoothies we went through how we were carrying out each process and what we could write in our instructions to make it informative and precise. At the end of it we got to enjoy our delicious smoothie!

Cadbury World

Yesterday, year 3 had a scrumdiddilyumptious trip to Cadbury World. They discovered the origin of chocolate and how the beans are grown, harvested, dried and finally transported to the U.K to be made into delicious chocolate. They also had the opportunity to sample some of lip-smacking chocolate that Cadbury World creates. Followed by an exciting 4D cinema experience, rounded off with a fabulous time on the outdoor play equipment. Phew! What a busy day !