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Showing posts from November, 2017

Brighouse Residential

On November the 16th a lucky group of year 3 children had the opportunity to stay overnight at Brighouse in Warwickshire. They really got to experience the outdoors and aspects of countrylife. They made their own beds, created their own lunch, helped to cook their own dinners and went for many muddy walks around the local area. Highlights included team games in the woods and night walking with their torches. It was a fun filled adventure!

Mighty Metals on the way.

Year 3 are in the process of starting our new topic - Mighty Metals! To kick-start the process we took a visit to Handsworth Park and had a blast playing on the apparatus and exploring the various forces that were present when using the play apparatus. The children thoroughly enjoyed the activity and were enthusiastic in applying their scientific knowledge on forces to what they were doing.